'For Better or Worse' moves from TBS to OWN

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Oprah Winfrey's cable channel says it will be the new home of the sitcom "For Better or Worse."

Tyler Perry's comedy series will move from TBS to OWN for its third season, starting this fall. OWN announced Wednesday that it's also getting rerun rights for the show's first two years.

"For Better or Worse" is about three couples dealing with the challenges of dating and married life. OWN says the original cast, including Tasha Smith and Michael Jai White, will remain with the show. Production on season three begins in April.

The comedy will be OWN's third scripted series from Perry, who has a deal with OWN to produce TV shows and other projects. The first two original series, a sitcom and a drama, are scheduled to debut in May.

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Well: Caffeine Linked to Lower Birth Weight Babies

New research suggests that drinking caffeinated drinks during pregnancy raises the risk of having a low birth weight baby.

Caffeine has long been linked to adverse effects in pregnant women, prompting many expectant mothers to give up coffee and tea. But for those who cannot do without their morning coffee, health officials over the years have offered conflicting guidelines on safe amounts during pregnancy.

The World Health Organization recommends a limit of 300 milligrams of caffeine a day, equivalent to about three eight-ounce cups of regular brewed coffee. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stated in 2010 that pregnant women could consume up to 200 milligrams a day without increasing their risk of miscarriage or preterm birth.

In the latest study, published in the journal BMC Medicine, researchers collected data on almost 60,000 pregnancies over a 10-year period. After excluding women with potentially problematic medical conditions, they found no link between caffeine consumption – from food or drinks – and the risk of preterm birth. But there was an association with low birth weight.

For a child expected to weigh about eight pounds at birth, the child lost between three-quarters of an ounce to an ounce in birth weight for each 100 milligrams of average daily caffeine intake from all sources by the mother. Even after the researchers excluded from their analysis smokers, a group that is at higher risk for complications and also includes many coffee drinkers, the link remained.

One study author, Dr. Verena Sengpiel of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, said the findings were not definitive because the study was observational, and correlation does not equal causation. But they do suggest that women might put their caffeine consumption “on pause” while pregnant, she said, or at least stay below two cups of coffee per day.

This post has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 20, 2013

An earlier version of this article described incorrectly the relationship between the amount of caffeine a pregnant woman drank and birth weight. For a child expected to weigh about eight pounds at birth, the child lost between three-quarters of an ounce to an ounce in birth weight for each 100 milligrams of average daily caffeine intake by the mother, not for each day that she consumed 100 milligrams of caffeine.

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Tesla results renew worries about its long-term viability

Tesla Motors Inc. reported another good-not-great quarter, renewing concerns about its ability to quickly churn out enough electric vehicles to sustain the company for the long term.

The company plans to ramp up the introduction of Tesla Model S cars to consumers worldwide, saying it was "on a journey" this year to expand the line and turn profitable, Chairman Elon Musk and Chief Financial Officer Deepak Ahuja wrote in a letter to shareholders Wednesday.

"Our intention is not to make customers wait six months for a car," Musk said in a call with analysts. "Our focus in Q1 is on production efficiency, improving gross margin and making sure customers are really happy when they receive the car. It's important for us to operate at that steady state for a bit before we try to drive that number higher."

This year, Tesla plans to deliver about 20,000 Model S units, with about 4,500 deliveries expected in the current quarter. The Palo Alto company projected that it would "generate slightly positive net income" in the quarter. That was welcome news to analysts, who have been looking for the company to become more financially stable.

"There have been other electric vehicle car companies that have had numerous problems. So if I compare it to that, they're leaps and bounds ahead," said Ben Kallo, senior research analyst at Robert W. Baird & Co. "Now they have to prove the details around the business model."

On-time delivery of those Model S cars — which sell for $61,000 to more than $100,000 — will be key to the survival of future Tesla products, which have been hampered by delays. The company initially planned to start building the Model X crossover SUV by the end of 2013, but now says production will start in 2014. The X will share its platform and many of its components with the Model S.

Down the line, Tesla hopes to build a more affordable car, which it will need to sell in quantities greater than the S and X to ensure long-term viability.

Regardless of when and how Tesla expands its offerings, the company faces long odds in making a dent in the sales of gas and diesel vehicles. Electric vehicles accounted for just 0.1% of U.S. sales in 2012, and that number is expected to rise to only 2% by 2020.

Many consumers remain wary of a vehicle with a perceived finite range. The cost of the batteries and related technologies in EVs also makes it difficult to price them competitively with comparable gas-powered vehicles.

Tesla found itself dealing with the issue of electric vehicle range in a recent public dispute with the New York Times.

After reporter John Broder detailed problems with the car's range on a trip from Washington, D.C., to Connecticut, Tesla's stock dropped. Musk went on the offensive, calling the article "fake" and railing against the piece in several television appearances. He then released data logs from Broder's test car, saying they backed up his claims.

The Times initially responded by saying the article was "completely factual," and Broder wrote a follow-up piece defending his initial assertions. The Times' public editor, Margaret Sullivan, eventually waded into the controversy with a blog post that offered measured criticism of Broder but defended his motives.

For the three months ended Dec. 31, Tesla reported revenue of $306 million, beating expectations. But it posted a larger-than-expected loss — $90 million, or 79 cents a share.

In the year-earlier quarter, Tesla reported revenue of $39.4 million and a loss of $81.5 million, or 78 cents a share.

Excluding one-time charges, the company posted a fourth-quarter loss of $75 million, or 65 cents; analysts had expected a loss of 53 cents a share.

Tesla said it delivered about 2,400 Model S vehicles during the fourth quarter and sold most of its remaining Roadsters. It ended the year with more than $221 million in cash.

Shares fell 7.3%, or $2.80, to $35.74 in after-hours trading. During regular trading before earnings were released, shares declined 1.9% to $38.54.

Wednesday's release was the first detailed look at Tesla's finances since September. At that time, production delays had forced the company to downgrade its projected 2012 revenue to no more than $440 million, compared with previous estimates of up to $600 million.

Tesla had built just 255 Model S cars at that point, though it hoped to build 10 times that by the end of 2012. The company confirmed in Wednesday's report that it had indeed built 2,750 cars in the fourth quarter.

The company said Wednesday it has more than 15,000 fully refundable deposits on hand.

Now it just needs to deliver the cars.



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O.C. shooting suspect identified as college student with no record

Orange County sheriff's officials on Tuesday identified the suspect in series of fatal shootings and carjackings as Ali Syed, a 20-year-old community college student with no criminal record.

Authorities don't have a motive for the shootings, which began with the slaying of a woman at Syed's  south Orange County home, spread north in a series of random and deadly carjackings, and ended with his suicide in the city of Orange.

Syed was described as an unemployed man who was taking a class at Saddleback College. He had no criminal record and was living with his parents on Red Leaf Lane in Ladera Ranch, Amormino said.

PHOTOS: Shootings at multiple locations in O.C.

Deputies were called to their home about 4:45 a.m. after his parents reported a shooting, Amormino said. Responding deputies found a woman dead inside who had been shot multiple times.

The relationship between the woman and Syed was not yet known, Amormino said, although she was not related to the suspect. The woman has not yet been identified.

Family members, including children, were at the home at the time of the shooting, Amormino said, but no other injuries were reported.

MAP: Orange County shootings

Syed fled the area and headed toward Tustin, where Amormino said "multiple incidents" occurred.

The first, authorities said, occurred near Red Hill Avenue and the 5 Freeway, where authorities received a report of a man with a gun about 5:10 a.m. The suspect attempted a carjacking, Tustin police Lt. Paul Garaven said, opened fire and wounded a bystander.

About five minutes later, the suspect stopped the BMW near the 55 Freeway in Santa Ana, officials said.

TIMELINE: Deadliest U.S. mass shootings

Around that time, authorities also received reports about a man shooting at moving vehicles on the 55 Freeway. Officials believe the man fired either while driving or after he stopped and got out of his vehicle. At least three victims have reported minor injuries or damage to their cars, and investigators asked that others who believe they may have been fired upon to contact police.

Shortly after, another shooting and carjacking was reported on Edinger Avenue near the Micro Center computer store in Tustin, Garaven said. One person was killed and another was taken to a hospital.

Co-workers identified the men as plumbers who were working at the under-construction Fairfield Inn on Edinger Avenue.

Officers spotted the suspect in a stolen vehicle, followed him into the city of Orange and initiated a traffic stop near the intersection of East Katella Avenue and North Wanda Road, Garaven said.

The suspect then shot and killed himself, authorities said. A shotgun was recovered, but officials said other weapons might have been involved earlier. 

In Orange, financial planner Kenneth Caplin said he had a clear view of the gruesome drama that unfolded Tuesday on the street outside his office.

Although the street had been blocked, Caplin parked farther away and persuaded an officer to let him walk to his office. He arrived shortly before 7 a.m., about an hour after the shooting.

From a conference room window, Caplin saw the police investigators at work, a white work truck up on a curb, and the suspect lying dead on the ground, with blood streaked across the pavement.

"It's scary.... This just happened right here," Caplin said hours later, as a team in biohazard suits scrubbed away at the street in an afternoon drizzle. "It's ludicrous."

Caplin, 71, said he is a pistol instructor for the NRA. What happened Tuesday only affirmed for him the need to stay armed.

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DNA Analysis, More Accessible Than Ever, Opens New Doors

Matt Roth for The New York Times

Sam Bosley of Frederick, Md., going shopping with his daughter, Lillian, 13, who has a malformed brain and severe developmental delays, seizures and vision problems. More Photos »

Debra Sukin and her husband were determined to take no chances with her second pregnancy. Their first child, Jacob, who had a serious genetic disorder, did not babble when he was a year old and had severe developmental delays. So the second time around, Ms. Sukin had what was then the most advanced prenatal testing.

The test found no sign of Angelman syndrome, the rare genetic disorder that had struck Jacob. But as months passed, Eli was not crawling or walking or babbling at ages when other babies were.

“Whatever the milestones were, my son was not meeting them,” Ms. Sukin said.

Desperate to find out what is wrong with Eli, now 8, the Sukins, of The Woodlands, Tex., have become pioneers in a new kind of testing that is proving particularly helpful in diagnosing mysterious neurological illnesses in children. Scientists sequence all of a patient’s genes, systematically searching for disease-causing mutations.

A few years ago, this sort of test was so difficult and expensive that it was generally only available to participants in research projects like those sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. But the price has plunged in just a few years from tens of thousands of dollars to around $7,000 to $9,000 for a family. Baylor College of Medicine and a handful of companies are now offering it. Insurers usually pay.

Demand has soared — at Baylor, for example, scientists analyzed 5 to 10 DNA sequences a month when the program started in November 2011. Now they are doing more than 130 analyses a month. At the National Institutes of Health, which handles about 300 cases a year as part of its research program, demand is so great that the program is expected to ultimately take on 800 to 900 a year.

The test is beginning to transform life for patients and families who have often spent years searching for answers. They can now start the grueling process with DNA sequencing, says Dr. Wendy K. Chung, professor of pediatrics and medicine at Columbia University.

“Most people originally thought of using it as a court of last resort,” Dr. Chung said. “Now we can think of it as a first-line test.”

Even if there is no treatment, there is almost always some benefit to diagnosis, geneticists say. It can give patients and their families the certainty of knowing what is wrong and even a prognosis. It can also ease the processing of medical claims, qualifying for special education services, and learning whether subsequent children might be at risk.

“Imagine the people who drive across the whole country looking for that one neurologist who can help, or scrubbing the whole house with Lysol because they think it might be an allergy,” said Richard A. Gibbs, the director of Baylor College of Medicine’s gene sequencing program. “Those kinds of stories are the rule, not the exception.”

Experts caution that gene sequencing is no panacea. It finds a genetic aberration in only about 25 to 30 percent of cases. About 3 percent of patients end up with better management of their disorder. About 1 percent get a treatment and a major benefit.

“People come to us with huge expectations,” said Dr. William A. Gahl, who directs the N.I.H. program. “They think, ‘You will take my DNA and find the causes and give me a treatment.' ”

“We give the impression that we can do these things because we only publish our successes,” Dr. Gahl said, adding that when patients come to him, “we try to make expectations realistic.”

DNA sequencing was not available when Debra and Steven Sukin began trying to find out what was wrong with Eli. When he was 3, they tried microarray analysis, a genetic test that is nowhere near as sensitive as sequencing. It detected no problems.

“My husband and I looked at each other and said, ‘The good news is that everything is fine; the bad news is that everything is not fine,' ” Ms. Sukin said.

In November 2011, when Eli was 6, Ms. Sukin consulted Dr. Arthur L. Beaudet, a medical geneticist at Baylor.

“Is there a protein missing?” she recalled asking him. “Is there something biochemical we could be missing?”

By now, DNA sequencing had come of age. Dr. Beaudet said that Eli was a great candidate, and it turned out that the new procedure held an answer.

A single DNA base was altered in a gene called CASK, resulting in a disorder so rare that there are fewer than 10 cases in all the world’s medical literature.

“It really became definitive for my husband and me,” Ms. Sukin said. “We would need to do lifelong planning for dependent care for the rest of his life.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 20, 2013

An article on Tuesday about the use of DNA sequencing to identify rare genetic diseases misstated the name of a medicine taken by two teenagers who have a rare gene mutation. The drug is 5-hydroxytryptophan, not 5-hydroxytryptamine.

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Anthem halts plan to require some drug purchases by mail

Anthem Blue Cross is backing off a decision to require some policyholders to buy their prescription drugs from a single mail-order pharmacy — a requirement that the California attorney general's office said may be illegal.

Anthem, California's largest for-profit health insurer, said in November that it was imposing the new rule for so-called specialty medications used to treat major illnesses, such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. The company said the limitation would help keep costs down for patients and businesses.

That may indeed be true. But as I reported last month, California's Unruh Civil Rights Act (Section 51 of the Civil Code) specifies that all people must be treated equally "no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status or sexual orientation."

In response, California Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris said that any rule that forces some people to buy their meds from one drugstore but allows others to shop elsewhere could violate the law.

"California law clearly states that no one can be discriminated against because of a medical condition," said Lynda Gledhill, a spokeswoman for Harris. "If patients are being required to get their prescriptions from a certain pharmacy because of their condition, that is likely illegal."

Anthem is now notifying people who take specialty medications that it won't require them to buy their drugs from the online pharmacy CuraScript starting March 1, as originally planned.

"Because Anthem has received feedback about this specialty pharmacy program from its members, we are evaluating that input to better serve our members and, for the time being, have eliminated the stated March 1, 2013, required date to use CuraScript for such additional specialty medications," the insurer said in its letter.

Darrel Ng, an Anthem spokesman, said the insurer believes the new requirement is legal. He said the company is only postponing the rule, rather than abandoning it.

"In response to feedback that has been conveyed by our members, which we are in the process of evaluating, we are delaying the March 1 changes in the specialty pharmacy program," Ng said. "We value the input of our members."

He declined to say when Anthem may again try to implement the requirement.

David Balto, former policy director for the Federal Trade Commission, said Anthem will have to make significant changes if it hopes to avoid legal action by Harris' office.

"They recognized that the policy violated the law," he said. "Consumers and pharmacies drew a line in the sand, and Anthem backed down."

Balto, who now works as a Washington antitrust attorney, was retained by retail drugstores to challenge the specialty-med requirement.

Anthem also faces a class-action lawsuit filed by the Santa Monica advocacy group Consumer Watchdog. It alleges that the insurer's policy switch would endanger people with HIV/AIDS by denying them the opportunity to interact with a pharmacist about their medication.

"Blue Cross' announcement is a big relief to HIV/AIDS patients who had a gun to their head to cut off contact with their local pharmacist," said Jerry Flanagan, staff attorney for Consumer Watchdog.

Sections 54 and 55 of the Civil Code state that people with disabilities or medical conditions "have the same right as the general public to the full and free use of the streets, highways, sidewalks, walkways, public buildings [and] medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices."

Section 12926.1 of the California Government Code specifies that "physical and mental disabilities include, but are not limited to, chronic or episodic conditions such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, epilepsy, seizure disorder, diabetes, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, multiple sclerosis and heart disease."

In its first notices to people using specialty meds, Anthem said that "using a retail pharmacy will be considered going out-of-network."

It warned such people that the only way to receive coverage for their drugs would be to shop at CuraScript. Buying medication elsewhere would require them to pay the full cost, Anthem said.

The price of specialty medications can run in the thousands of dollars. Anthem's requirement thus would have forced a specific group of people to buy their drugs at the pharmacy of Anthem's choosing.

Other people with chronic conditions such as diabetes faced no such requirement. It was this seemingly inconsistent approach to drug coverage that raised a red flag for the attorney general's office.

Experts said Anthem was correct in arguing that prices for specialty meds can be better controlled by cutting deals with a single pharmacy. But this placed the interests of the insurer and the pharmacy ahead of those of the patient.

A more equitable solution may be for Anthem to allow people to buy their drugs anywhere, but to offer a discount for drugs purchased from CuraScript. This would provide an opt-out of the CuraScript requirement.

This may not provide as much cost savings as limiting all coverage to CuraScript, but it would likely make the attorney general a whole lot happier.

David Lazarus' column usually runs Tuesdays and Fridays. He also can be seen daily on KTLA-TV Channel 5 and followed on Twitter @Davidlaz. Send your tips or feedback to david.lazarus@latimes.com.

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Pathway to citizenship likely to be rocky

Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON — When Jessica Bravo came here this month to talk to her congressman, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach), about expanding rights for illegal immigrants, their meeting ended in a shouting match and tears.

Bravo, an 18-year-old community college student at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, was smuggled over the border from Mexico by her parents when she was 3. She recently joined hundreds of other young illegal immigrants in a campaign to confront members of Congress and ask them to vote for a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants.

"I just wanted him to know who I was," Bravo said of Rohrabacher, who has a long record of voting against such measures.

In the scheduled meeting with Rohrabacher, Bravo said the congressman stiffened when she said she and her parents came to the U.S. unlawfully. Five minutes into the meeting, Rohrabacher's face turned red, she said, adding that he said he represents citizens and hates illegals.

Rohrabacher disputed her account and said the meeting became heated when a community organizer with Bravo implied he was racist.

"I don't hate anyone," Rohrabacher said in a telephone interview. "Just because you are a wonderful person doesn't mean you deserve to be an American citizen."

Over the next few months, hundreds of illegal immigrants are planning to come to Washington to push for an overhaul of immigration laws. Despite signs that GOP leaders want to change the party's approach to the issue, many of the immigrants will face lawmakers who have long-standing positions against a legalization program.

"We will engage them regardless of their voting record," said Maria Fernanda Cabello, a national organizer for United We Dream, an organization that represents young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. unlawfully as children.

The organization's members last fall voted to expand its mission beyond passing the Dream Act and decided to push for the broader objective of making it possible for illegal immigrants to become citizens. In March, the group is planning to launch protests in 23 states under the slogan "Eleven Million Dreams."

"We will keep including our parents," said Cabello, whose mother works at a fast-food restaurant in Houston and whose father is a welder. Both are undocumented. Cabello, who came to Texas with her parents when she was 12, was granted a legal work permit in the fall under the Obama administration's "deferred action" program.

"All they are saying is, 'My dream is based on my mom and my dad and my family,'" said Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who plans to join rallies in New Jersey, Florida, Texas and California in March to push for full citizenship for such residents.

Dozens of organizations that represent illegal immigrants have come together to declare March "National Coming Out of the Shadows Month." Protests are planned for next month in Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City and Atlanta.

Groups of lawmakers from both parties in the House and the Senate are working behind closed doors to hammer out a bill. A bipartisan group of eight senators has agreed that citizenship must be part of the solution, along with more investment in border security. In the House group, however, some Republicans are considering a program that would legalize illegal immigrants without creating a new way for them to become citizens.

"The people that came here illegally knowingly — I don't think they should have a path to citizenship," Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) said during a radio interview earlier this month. Labrador, one of two members of the House from Idaho, has been working with the House group to draw up legislation.

"That is not going to fly with us," said Louie Cortes, a 24-year-old law student at the University of Idaho. Cortes was brought to the U.S. unlawfully from Mexico by his parents when he was 1 year old. He was given a work permit in December.

The Idaho agricultural industry relies on illegal immigrants for a lot of its workforce, said Cortes, who is a member of the Dream Bar Assn., an organization of law students who are illegal immigrants. Over the next few weeks, Cortes plans to help organize workers in apple orchards, dairy farms and meat processing plants to launch public rallies in the state.

"Not having the full pathway to citizenship will still deny a lot of immigrants the benefits of being here — like voting," said Cortes.


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Fergie, Josh Duhamel expecting their 1st child

NEW YORK (AP) — Her hump, her hump, her lovely lady lump: Fergie is pregnant with her first child.

A representative for the Black Eyed Peas singer confirmed the news Monday. Fergie's actor husband Josh Duhamel tweeted about the news with joy, saying: "Fergie and Me and BABY makes three."

The 37-year-old Fergie and 40-year-old Duhamel married in 2009. She joined the Black Eyed Peas when the group released its third album, "Elephunk," in 2003. The foursome is known for its pop-inspired hip-hop tunes like "My Humps," ''I Gotta Feeling" and "Boom Boom Pow."

Fergie launched her solo debut, "The Duchess," to much success in 2006. It featured five Top 5 hits, including "Fergalicious" and "Big Girls Don't Cry."

Duhamel has appeared in the "Transformer" films and most recently in "Safe Haven."

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National Briefing | South: Abortion Curbs Clear Senate in Arkansas

The State Senate voted 25 to 7 on Monday to ban most abortions 20 weeks into a pregnancy. The measure goes back to the House to consider an amendment that added exceptions for rape and incest. The legislation is based on the belief that fetuses can feel pain 20 weeks into a pregnancy, and is similar to bans in several other states. Opponents say it would require mothers to deliver babies with fatal conditions. Gov. Mike Beebe has said he has constitutional concerns about the proposal but has not said whether he will veto it.

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Consumers need better way to fix credit reporting errors

About 10 million consumers, through no fault of their own, have serious errors on their credit reports, raising troubling questions about people's ability to secure loans and the fairness of interest rates they're charged.

In the first study of its kind, the Federal Trade Commission looked at credit reports for 1,001 consumers obtained from the three major credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

It found that about a quarter of consumers had at least one "potentially material" error in at least one of the three reports. Such errors included the number of credit-card or mortgage payments a consumer was believed to have missed or the number of loans that were sent to collection agencies.

"We're talking about folks who could have gone into a better credit tier if these errors had been corrected," Paul Pautler, deputy director of the FTC's Bureau of Economics, told me.

These findings are outrageous enough. But they also highlight the shadowy nature of the credit reporting industry, a business with the power to make or break your creditworthiness without ever being required to obtain your permission to compile and sell files on your financial affairs.

And in the digital age, with thousands of corporate databases up for grabs, it's become all too easy for these companies to traffic in garbage information. Again, all without your approval.

"It's unconscionable that 40 million Americans have errors in their credit reports and that 10 million have errors grave enough to cause them to be denied or charged more for credit or insurance or even be denied a job," said Chi Chi Wu, staff attorney at the National Consumer Law Center.

"There needs to be serious and wholesale reform of the credit reporting industry," he said.

Will there be? I put that question to Pautler.

"That's above my pay grade," he replied.

I'm guessing the more than $2 million that Experian, Equifax and TransUnion spent on lobbying last year alone will have some sway over any crackdown on the industry. Political expenditures by the companies were compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, a watchdog group.

Meantime, people like Deborah Carter of Huntington Beach will continue banging their heads against the credit reporting industry.

When her son recently received an unexpectedly high interest rate to refinance his mortgage, Carter, 58, delved into his credit files and discovered that both Equifax and Experian had lowered his credit score because of seemingly missed payments.

She said Equifax's files showed "recent delinquencies reported on accounts." Experian cited "too many delinquent accounts."

In fact, Carter said, her son had only one missed payment on a single loan six years ago. Yet when she tried to clear things up with Equifax and Experian, she got nowhere. Similarly, complaining to the FTC only produced an acknowledgment of her dispute.

"I've done everything I'm supposed to do as a consumer," Carter said, "and my son has the same credit score and the same inaccurate information."

So how did the credit reporting industry gain so much clout? To understand that, you have to go all the way back to 1898.

That's when a Tennessee grocer named Cator Woolford oversaw creation of a list of customers, including indications of their creditworthiness, for a local grocers' association. It didn't take long for other merchants to express interest in buying the list, and Woolford soon went into the credit reporting business full time.

By 1901, Woolford's Retail Credit Co. was also supplying data to the insurance industry. The company continued to grow over the years and to acquire rival businesses. In 1979, it changed its name to what we know today as Equifax.

TransUnion was born in 1968 as the holding company for Union Tank Car Co., which leased rail cars to other businesses. The company got into the credit reporting game a year later by acquiring the Credit Bureau of Cook County in Chicago, followed by the acquisition of other local credit bureaus nationwide.

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